To Start, No, I have not contracted Covid 19.
As Detailers, now is the time to really take advantage of our surroundings. No longer will the $25 full detail guy cut it. People who genuinely care for their health, their family and themselves will hire a professional.
Take the time to educate new clients and reach out to previous ones not only to gain repeat or new business, but to check in on someone that supported you and your business. At this time of uncertainty to most who are still out daily, a clean vehicle would put a massive check in their box. We are looked to as a solution to our clients problems. Please note that I didn't say to price gouge and inflate your prices. Now is a fantastic time to build trust within your brand on a massive scale to your community. Take your journey one detail at a time and take the proper steps to protect yourself in the process.
A few ideas to those who feel stuck, reach out to hospitals and businesses still deemed as 'essential' during this time. Another approach to gain clients is to offer a bulk discount for multiple clients at one location. Of course this advice does not apply to everyone, I am simply trying to help.
I hope everyone is staying safe and taking the necessary precautions
- Brad